Wednesday 28 May 2014

Eight days, Jo Thomas and a much needed writing day

Morning guys, apologies for my absence but life has elbowed its way into my writing world and knocked everything off kilter. My admission: I haven't written for eight days! Eight days - it feels like a month, and all because I have exams looming next week, 5th June. But today, I am having a writing day. And, I'm raring to go!

A quick update regards the Joan Hessayon award - Jo Thomas, author of 'The Oyster Catcher' was named the winner - I've downloaded the book, but am waiting until after the said exam to consume. The-Oyster-Catcher-Jo-Thomas-ebook
My dear friends Helen Phifer and Alison May, both beautiful ladies and winners in my eyes, had a fabulous time at the party.

Between the revision slots, I've booked a weekend visit to Worcester Literary Festival 21/22nd June and Festival of Romance 12/13th September in Leighton Buzzard - hoping to catch up with many of my RNA buddies and recharge the batteries.

And so, to my writing day, the plan Stan is to draft a short story entry before diving back into the novella.


Update: woohoo a lovely day of writing - it feels good. I managed to complete draft one of a two thousand word story and write a chapter of the novella. Enjoy!

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